couple tattoo 在 Days In my Life - goodbye, summer 💕 lesbian couple 的影片資訊
so this was summer, bye bye thank you for everything Love Laura 💕 ▹Instagram -
so this was summer, bye bye thank you for everything Love Laura 💕 ▹Instagram -
Helloooo my lovelies! Today is a special vlog. I finally go to visit Hakone with Ami after 7 years o...
Hey loveliessss I finally went to this thrift store that i had been wanting to go for soooo long! He...
We will record a Q&A session, so if there are any questions let us know down below! Today's video w...
Subscribe & don't forget to LIKE this video to help my algorithm, thank you! –––––––––––––––––––––––...
Thanks to my bbgirl Michelle Choi for the inspiration!! Here's her original video "Natural Korean Ma...
今次帶大家黎到我既衫房一齊襯下衫? 同埋會有小小的二手手袋開箱 雖然好似好多衫但其實成日著黎著去都係果d 所以其實我都幾中意用幾件衫襯到唔同既look出黎 希望大家都中意今次既穿搭分享啦?? 另外...
真係唔知點解佢一扮我把聲就要咁?? 係咪我平時都係咁講野?? 今次呢條片,同男朋友由夜晚11點拍到凌晨5點 因為呀sam哥好怕醜,但因為真係搞得太耐都未拍好 搞到我又燥左佢底??真係對佢唔住? 成日...
唔知大家仲記唔記得呢位英國朋友呢??? ig@jazzashbrook 幾年前係london vlog已經見識過jazz唱中文既搞笑威力? 今次就請黎我個fd,即係呀jazz既女朋友, 幫我地挑選左1...
對上一次整頭髮話咁快又2個月前啦, d顏色都甩得7788,變左白色? 所以又捉左萬能大佬幫我搞搞個頭?? 點知……? ———————————————————— Instagram :yakiwong...